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We have provided this page for the reporting of content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the standards set out.

We would like to take this opportunity to assure you that all such reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days

Please note that complaints are investigated on a case by case nature. Please include as much detail in your email, including links to any content that you feel you need to make a complaint about.

We will firstly confirm we have received your complaint.

This will be followed up by a stringent investigation. The details and results of this investigation will be made available to you.

If you feel that the investigation has not addressed you complaint in fully you can appeal against our decision, again by emailing:

Please rest assured that we will make every effort to accommodate your concerns to the best of our ability.

If you feel that your credit/debit card details have been used to access our website fraudulently or without your full consent, you must at the first instance contact our Billing Companies that control our online payment transactions at:

> Click here to contact CCBill

> Click here to contact SurfNet


We would like to outline the process that enables any person depicted in the content to appeal to remove such content, and to have the content removed should the outcome of our investigation determine that consent was not given or is void under applicable law.

Please note that all participants of the making of our content are professional models, paid to appear within the content and have provided all relevant details pursuant to the requirements set out by 18 U.S.C.2257, SECTION 2257 COMPLIANCE. They have also willingly signed model releases to provide us with legal use of their image.

All models featured in the making our our content are 18 years old or above.

Please direct your request to remove content:


We will contact you within seven business days after your request to remove content. BY such time we will have reviewed in full your request and will deliver an answer to your request. You have the right to appeal our decision.

Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we will allow such disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body so any potential statements contradicting this will need to be reworded or removed.

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