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So every now and again we get an odd fish in our nets. Here is one such animal. Pet Marie. A gym bunny with aspirations to become a glamour.

Well here are the facts. Possibly one of the best looking bitches we've ever had at Petgirls. Although beauty is subjective. And, I myself rate other things more attractive. Such as defects and failings.

Pet Marie is a nervous beast. So much so that she chews her tongue, much like a bored bear in a bad zoo.

Exercises too much. Addictive personality.

Keeps her panties on at all times. Enlarged clit from all that exercise induced testosterone?

Either way, it to our credit that we allow the occasional unicorn into our menagerie.

Regarding pet Marie. Pretty to look at. The lights are on but nobody is home. Her dazed and vacant expression surpasses her classic beauty. Her semi-muscled body is strangely alluring. Her tiny udders a disappointment. But variety is the spice of life as they say.









































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